Please register for all classes online. See the Front Desk for details.

Adrenaline – This intermediate/advanced class combines high intensity cardio intervals with sets of strength training to deliver a dynamic and comprehensive full body workout. (I/A)

Barre Fitness – This all levels class combines elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates with strength training and total body conditioning to increase lean muscle and improve flexibility and posture. (Multi)

Body 360 – A full-body cross-training & strength training workout, using weights, kettlebells and Pilates circles (I-A).

Cardio Drumming – Use drumsticks on fitness balls to drum along to energizing music in this class that offers a blend of cardio, strength, training, and coordination exercises. (Multi)

Cycle Express- Experience a heart pounding workout in just 30 minutes with this combination of varied intervals, climbs, sprints, and endurance challenges. (Multi)

Dance Fitness –  This exhilarating class offered a fusion of dance styles set to upbeat music, combined with the effectiveness of a full body workout, ensuring a fun and engaging workout experience (Multi).

Drums & Dumbbells – Add muscle strengthening and conditioning to the rock star Cardio Drumming workout (Multi).

Dynamic Barbell – This total body strength workout combines the versatility of barbell training with dynamic exercises to help you build lean muscle, increase endurance, and enhance overall functional fitness. (Multi)

Fit for Life – This class is a perfect introduction to low impact cardio and strength training for all levels, ages, and abilities that will help you improve cardio endurance, flexibility, balance, and functional fitness. (B)

Hatha Yoga – A traditional yoga class that focuses on balancing postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises to promote overall well-being and inner peace. (Multi)

Just Ride – This cycling class combines sprints, climbs, intervals, and endurance rides to target your cardiovascular endurance and lower body strength. (Multi)

Mat Pilates – This dynamic class combines traditional mat-based exercises with the use of specialized equipment to target all your muscle groups and encourage a strong mind-body connection. (Multi)

Power Flow Yoga – Designed to strengthen your body, enhance flexibility, and uplift your spirit, this class combines the flowing movements of Vinyasa yoga with strength-building postures. (I/A)

Slow Flow Yoga – Nurture self-care, release stress, and create space for inner reflection through a series of gentle stretches, slow-paced sequences, and grounding poses. (Multi)

Yoga on the Ball – This unique class combines incorporates fitness balls into your practice through seated poses, standing balances, and gentle inversions to cultivate body awareness, flexibility, and strength. (Multi)

Yoga at the Barre – Experience the fluidity and grace of yoga intertwined with the precision and controlled movements of barre exercises to target specific muscle groups and enhance mindfulness. (Multi)

Zumba – Have fun, get fit, and feel fantastic in this class that combines infectious Latin and international rhythms with easy-to-follow-dance moves. (Multi)

20/20/20 – This dynamic class incorporates three targeted segments – step aerobics, strength training, and core & flexibility – to create a balanced and effective total body workout. (Multi)